Pirate Lookouts and a One Camel Circus

We are currently on the coast of Mexico working on an organic farm in the little town of Aticama.   Nate had to return to the states to attend his mother´s wedding so we dropped off the mountains and over to the coast near Mazatlan, where he could get the cheapest flight.  Sean is visiting his mother in Cabo San Lucas and will be back in a day or two.   I have been busy writing for a magazine, but now have more time and hope to get some updates posted on our site.  Check back in about a week.

1 thoughts on “Pirate Lookouts and a One Camel Circus

  1. Raine says:

    I love your guys’ site! i’ve spent a while looking around and reading some of the journal entries, it all looks like such a blast!
    it was wonderfull to meet and talk with you guys 🙂
    Keep it up, and let me know if you’re ever brought over to colorado for some reason!


  2. Raine says:

    I love your guys’ site! i’ve spent a while looking around and reading some of the journal entries, it all looks like such a blast!
    it was wonderfull to meet and talk with you guys 🙂
    Keep it up, and let me know if you’re ever brought over to colorado for some reason!


  3. Raine says:

    I love your guys’ site! i’ve spent a while looking around and reading some of the journal entries, it all looks like such a blast!
    it was wonderfull to meet and talk with you guys 🙂
    Keep it up, and let me know if you’re ever brought over to colorado for some reason!


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