Sean Published in ECO

For all you speakers of Portuguese out there, here’s a journalistic work about the trip written by one of its very riders. Eco, a Brazilian magazine concerned with environmental issues has graciously decided to publish a story about our experience along the Dalton Expressway -which sadly is no longer accessible since British petroleum discovered fifteen miles of its pipeline to be grossly corroded. I don’t speak Portuguese so I can’t verify the accuracy of the translators’ rendition myself, and the original English version… well that’s a rather irrelevant matter.

No Norte do mundo – por Sean Monterastelli*

1 thoughts on “Sean Published in ECO

  1. Marcelo says:

    Hey Goat and Sean! I could read it! It’s great because sometimes I have some dificult to read it in English and I could understand part of the story about the wolf I didn’t understood before.
    In my comments I told everybody that was nice to read about Goat, my friend in the SBL, on that brazilian site.
    Good luck for all you guys!!!!

  2. Marcelo says:

    Hey Goat and Sean! I could read it! It’s great because sometimes I have some dificult to read it in English and I could understand part of the story about the wolf I didn’t understood before.
    In my comments I told everybody that was nice to read about Goat, my friend in the SBL, on that brazilian site.
    Good luck for all you guys!!!!

  3. Marcelo says:

    Hey Goat and Sean! I could read it! It’s great because sometimes I have some dificult to read it in English and I could understand part of the story about the wolf I didn’t understood before.
    In my comments I told everybody that was nice to read about Goat, my friend in the SBL, on that brazilian site.
    Good luck for all you guys!!!!

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