Homebrew, Inca Style: Chicheria

Throughout the andes, women make a homebrew beer known as Chicha. Generally, in the highlands they use corn and sprout the kernels before cooking it, and in the jungles they use various root crops and chew it first to help with fermentation. Here are a few photos of some chicheras (brewers) making a huge batch of chicha for a wedding in a small andean village in the Sacred Valley.

[slidepress gallery=’chicha’]

4 thoughts on “Homebrew, Inca Style: Chicheria

  1. Gianella says:

    Chicha is sun (Inti) blood, nowadays call informally Gringo…because has blonde hair…can u belive it?

  2. Gianella says:

    Chicha is sun (Inti) blood, nowadays call informally Gringo…because has blonde hair…can u belive it?

  3. Gianella says:

    Chicha is sun (Inti) blood, nowadays call informally Gringo…because has blonde hair…can u belive it?

  4. Nancy Lewis says:

    Great posting! I liked the photos with the comments describing what was going on with the photo. Good to see the detail of a whole cultural experience: Love, resources, cooking, drink and tradition. It does not get any better.


  5. Nancy Lewis says:

    Great posting! I liked the photos with the comments describing what was going on with the photo. Good to see the detail of a whole cultural experience: Love, resources, cooking, drink and tradition. It does not get any better.


  6. Nancy Lewis says:

    Great posting! I liked the photos with the comments describing what was going on with the photo. Good to see the detail of a whole cultural experience: Love, resources, cooking, drink and tradition. It does not get any better.


  7. Adam Keele says:

    Kinda makes me feel like I’m worrying way too much about sanitizing when I brew.

  8. Adam Keele says:

    Kinda makes me feel like I’m worrying way too much about sanitizing when I brew.

  9. Adam Keele says:

    Kinda makes me feel like I’m worrying way too much about sanitizing when I brew.

  10. Murph says:

    Reminds me of homebrew parties at the old West house.

  11. Murph says:

    Reminds me of homebrew parties at the old West house.

  12. Murph says:

    Reminds me of homebrew parties at the old West house.

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