Kuna Photo Gallery

We have arrived in Turbo, Colombia.  Somebody offered to buy our kayaks and so we are now busy building our bikes so we can continue our journey. 

I´m working on a video and a few entries to post.  Until then, I got a bunch of new photos posted check them out.

1 thoughts on “Kuna Photo Gallery

  1. Kim says:

    Beautiful Pictures (someone take one of Jacob so his mom can see him )!! What unbelievable dreams you guys are living and what an adventure. Love you and miss you. MOM

  2. Kim says:

    Beautiful Pictures (someone take one of Jacob so his mom can see him )!! What unbelievable dreams you guys are living and what an adventure. Love you and miss you. MOM

  3. Kim says:

    Beautiful Pictures (someone take one of Jacob so his mom can see him )!! What unbelievable dreams you guys are living and what an adventure. Love you and miss you. MOM

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